Are Video Brochures right for my business or brand?

Video Brochures can be used by a wide range of businesses across all sectors for any marketing campaign. They are a very efficient use of your marketing budget and are great for small companies or large companies.

Video brochures are ideal if you are looking for a new marketing solution and you are tired of not getting the return you would like to see in your marketing investment. Video brochures are more effective then your normal brochure and will help you and your company.

Video Brochures
Are Video Brochures right for my business or brand

Funtek pride ourselves on being a company that you can talk to. We don’t like using forms and emails, we prefer to talk to you over the phone so we can talk you through our process in-depth.

Funtek will guide you through our process on how to spec your promo video brochure. We provide industry leading advice on which printing options are best for you and your brand. You don’t need to worry about minimum order quantities, the smallest order we can support is 1! Funtek can cater for every need you have, we can provide the data uploading/changing of videos for you as well as hold the stock and distribute them across the world to individual addresses.

Contact us to get your hands on our video brochure price guide, we can explain the cost of video brochures and how the options can the video brochure price. Get in contact with us today and we can discuss your digital video brochures!

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